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Flower delivery > White roses and rochers

White roses and rochers

20 € - 20 rochers
26 € - 30 rochers
40 € - 48 rochers

Product pictured : 210 g

Set delivery price : €10.60


I add a gift:

Total : €41.00


NEW: Our range of beautifully coloured chocolate boxes!
Aquarelle now proposes our mouth-watering chocolate rochers, topped with crunchy roasted hazelnuts, in a brand new range of colourful boxes: flannel grey, poppy red and deep violet. Get it right every time with this deliciously colourful gift.

20 € : A pretty poppy red box of 210 g (20 rochers)
Made in France
Made in France
French & traditional production
150 years know how
150 years know how
Made by our chocolatier
Quality ingredients
Quality ingredients
Cocoa butter